How To Make The Right Dog Yell “Squirrel!”
Need traffic to your website? Who doesn’t!
PROBLEM: You need targeted, steady, high-converting traffic.
SOLUTION: Learn how to write a great ad!
TRUTH: The whole sales cycle (online or offline) all starts with a great ad.
Ads get attention and arouse curiosity from the right people.
Attention and curiosity result in clicks.
Clicks put eyeballs on the offer (your website, affiliate link, or whatever else you’re trying to sell).
So, bottom line, no matter what your traffic “source,” all traffic that gets to your site starts with a great ad.
So how do you write a great ad?
What makes someone click one ad over another?
Well, you could go read a few dozen books on the topic, or you can just let me cut to the chase here and make it easy on you.
In the online world, the sole purpose of an ad is to:
(1) catch the attention of the RIGHT people (sort them),
(2) arouse their curiosity (get them excited), and
(3) get them to take action (99% of the time this is to click a link and go look at something, usually a sales message).
By the way, curiosity is the most powerful way to induce someone to click on anything online, but especially on an ad.
You want everyone who sees your ad to say to themselves, “This looks interesting. What is this all about? Let me click to find out.”
They may not verbalize it exactly this way consciously, but that’s the gist of what’s happening inside their head in very short order.
Kind of like the dog that whips its head around because it sees a “SQUIRREL!” You want people to see your ad and click without thinking.
An ad with the “squirrel” effect usually has 3 parts:
- Headline (Attention Grabber)
- Curiosity Builder (What is it?)
- Call To Action (Do THIS one specific thing)
I’ll share some examples in a second.
By the way, this format works for text ads, image ads, social media ads… pretty much anywhere ads are sold (no pun intended).
Never forget… the whole sales cycle starts with the right people seeing the right ad with the right message that makes them click.
Oh, and one more thing… the idea you plant with the ad needs to continue onto the landing page, or you’ll lose them as fast as you got them in the first place.
In other words, the offer they see after they click the ad MUST continue the conversation in their mind that started with the ad.
Here are some example ads that follow the 3-part “squirrel ad” structure. (Whether they appeal to you depends on whether you’re a target audience member or not.)
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Here’s the bottom line with what you need to know about great ads.
- All traffic starts with a great ad.
- The only purpose of 99% of all great ads is simply to get a click
- Great ads follow a 3-step formula (attention, curiosity, call to action)
- If you want to write great ads, just follow the formula!
It’s as simple as that!
By the way, if you want an even EASIER solution, I’ve got one for you. Create the eyeball grabbing ads you need instantly with a wish for the Genie…
Fast, easy and amazing content awaits! Check out Jim’s genies at
About Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards helps entrepreneurs create MORE Leads — MORE Sales — And Stronger, More Profitable Relationships. Jim is the author of the instant classic “Copywriting Secrets”, Jim is also the Co-Founder of Funnel Scripts, along with Russell Brunson, for which they recently received the 8-Figure Award for over $10 Million in sales. He was one of the first people to ever publish an ebook on the Internet back in 1997 and was featured in the NY Times as a result of his first ebook funnel.
Jim is most famous for his online software “wizards” and scripts which make many repetitive and difficult tasks such as writing emails, sales letters or video scripts push-button simple. Jim is also known for his landmark programs including “The Jim Edwards Method”, The Net Reporter, Mini Site Creator, and others.
Jim has taught around the world on 4 continents on everything from webinars, self-publishing, video production, sales copy, email marketing, membership sites, and other e-commerce topics. He publishes two podcasts, including “Funnel Scripts Live” and “Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards”.
Jim enjoys chicken ranching, working out, and playing with his wife, grandchildren, and chihuahuas.
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