Journey said it best ‘Don’t Stop Believing’… (I bet you just sang that in your head)

Jim Edwards
4 min readNov 2, 2023


Alright, gather ‘round folks! Today, I’m about to hit you with some serious wisdom that I’ve learned in my 30+ years in business (all different types). As a fellow business owner, I totally get it — this entrepreneurial journey is like riding a rollercoaster of ups and downs. But here’s the deal, without belief in yourself, well… you might as well hang up your dreams and start asking your goldfish for business advice!

No matter what you sell or who you sell it to, your self-belief and passion will be the driving force behind your success — ultimately unlocking your entrepreneurial potential. Yep, it’s you… it’s always been you.

In-house designer Nancy Carswell

Believe in Your Vision

When you venture into the wild world of business, you’ve got to have a clear vision of what you’re trying to achieve. This vision is like the spark that ignites your passion and fuels your determination. Believe me when I say, your vision and passion have the power to make a positive impact on the world and a strong connection with your ideal customers. And here’s the best part: when you truly, I mean truly, believe in your vision, it becomes magnetically contagious, so contagious that it spreads like a virus. So, get out there, be passionate, and infect everyone with your vision and ideas!

Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is the silent enemy of progress. That sneaky little monster that hides under your bed, whispering, “you can’t do it!” Sure, we all have our moments of questioning our abilities and feeling like impostors (imposter syndrome), but let’s not forget everything we’ve overcome to get to where we are today — you’re amazing… own it! Here’s a secret: even the mighty superheroes of entrepreneurship have battled self-doubt, they just don’t live in it, they keep moving.

Adopt a Growth Mindset

It’s inevitable… At some point you’re going to fail, we all do! Learn to do it faster (here’s a short video about failing fast for quicker success) and MOVE forward instead of wallowing in the guilt of this temporary failure. Instead of crying over spilt milk, let’s reframe “failure” as juicy learning opportunities. Yup, believe it or not, those mishaps are valuable experiences that help you grow. Entrepreneurs who possess a growth mindset are resilient, adaptable, and always open to new ideas. Business and technology move fast, and you must move and grow along with it or you become irrelevant.

Celebrate Your Journey

Success ain’t no walk in the park, folks. The road to success will be paved with challenges, sleepless nights, and tough decisions that will make your head spin. In the middle of all that chaos, it’s important to celebrate each milestone (no matter how small) and acknowledge your wins. Recognize how far you’ve come and the countless hurdles you’ve overcome in the process. Believe that your hard work and perseverance will pay off, and with each achievement, embrace the pride and joy it brings. It’s a wild ride, but one worth celebrating, trust me I know.


It all kicks off with you, my friend! Grab hold of those wild dreams, trust in your skills, and never, ever doubt that you were made for this. Surround yourself with talented comrades, outsource boring tasks like a boss, and grow your business like your life depends on it (because it does). The sky ‘s the limit. Seriously, there are no limits to what you can achieve when you have unshakable faith in yourself and passion for your vision. Get out there, kick some serious butt, and let your self-belief take you to places so epic, unicorns will be jealous!

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Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards helps entrepreneurs create MORE Leads — MORE Sales — And Stronger, More Profitable Relationships =>